TOP 100 - Finance


Nominations for Originators
Now Open through April 16th, 2025,
Winners are to be announced May 3rd.

Lo’s & CLO’s

NAMMBA will rank the Top 100 Mortgage Loan Originators in 2024 by units and volume. Submission will be reviewed and due diligence will be conducted on a percentage of submissions. Inaccurate or falsified data provided could result in your company being banned from the rankings. 

Nominees must originate loans with an active NMLS number.

Please note: Nominations are $25 for NAMMBA members and $35 for Non-members.

You will need a letter from your sales manager confirming your dollar volume and total units for 2024. Upon completing your submission, an email will go to your sales manager requesting this information. Please notify your manager to expect a validation email. Submissions will not be reviewed or counted until validation is received from manager.

For 2024 nominations, we will also award the Community Lender Originator
(for those originators who focus on the affordable lending market).

Discounted pricing is available for bulk submissions over 10.
See payment information below.



Bulk submissions

Nominating more than one
LO or CLO?

If you are submitting more than one nomination please choose a Bulk Submission Package below.
Once the bulk package is selected & paid, download this Excel Sheet to fill out & email it back to us.

Questions? Email us at

Top 100 - Bulk Submissions (10)
Top 100 - Bulk Submissions (20)
Top 100 - Bulk Submissions (40)
Top 100 - Bulk Submissions (100)